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AgriBIT targets the agri-food sector including farmers, farmers' associations, service advisors, pharmaceutical companies, and agricultural consultant as direct potential users (clients) and, more broadly, the SME's food industry, processing, retailers and final consumers. AgriBIT customers want to leverage precision farming services to reduce production costs by decreasing the use of inputs and to reduce environmental impact and also increasing production yields. Through the community platform you can explore the customer network and join them.


Explore and discover AgriBIT network and its fields, know the crops involved, the extensions and their position, check the territory where our services are installed. Join the platform!

Precision Agriculture Services

Access the platform to explore AgriBIT's services. AgriBIT Develop EO-based PA services for farmers and agricultural consultants, through the combined use of EO data from Copernicus and UAVs, GNSS and ground sensors provide 8 smart PA services.

Precision Agriculture Services APIs

Open Application Programming Interfaces are offered to allow the uptake of the services by 3rd parties, increasing the opportunities of uptake by farmers who already operate another integrated farm management platform.

Big Data Analytics

AgriBIT GNSS enriched data have an important value that can further exploited by big data analytics, by Alida platform. Alida platform contains a services catalogue with a set of services ready to use, services for big data analysis, services for data preparation, and services for the data ingestion. Moreover in the community platform developers and researchers will find the support and information to upload and register new BDA services into a service catalogue, and then they can be combined to create a workflow to solve a specific agriculture problem.

Big Data Analytics APIs 

A Machine 2 Machine support is available through the Alida platform in order to take advanced and integrate the application and workflow create. APIs are available by the community platform.
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